Dienstag, 8. September 2009

La Chaux-de-Fonds

I spent Saturday and Sunday in La Chaux-de-Fonds, a city north of Neuchatel, about 2 hours with the train from Geneva. When I met Leticia at the trainstation, she was very surprised that I was only wearing a shirt. She then told me that this festival is a "Volksfest" which takes place outside, and that La Chaux, being on a level of about 1000m, is just a little colder than Geneva - about 22 degrees colder!!
Fortunately, I had some more clothes with me, and we bought some bottles of wine and champagne and went out into the winterly night.
The festival reminded me a lot of german street festivals, only that people are dancing on the street and going a little crazier than us germans. I decided to go crazy as well, and promptly had my "Hangover-moment" the next day: I woke up, went into the bathroom, and noticed that my white shirt wasn't entirely white anymore. It was rather red. I took it of to find that I had some small wounds on my back, but I had and still have no idea what happened. I probably fell ;)

The next day we walked through the streets which were turned into one huge market. That's also why the festival is called "Braderie": it means something like "feilschen" in german.

Overall it was a great experience, I got to know a lot of people, and I'm sure I will visit La Chaux again sometime during my stay. And thanks so much Leti for letting me stay - I will actually make real use of it the next time ;) Bisous!!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hahahaha! Das ist ja mal wieder klar gewesen ;) Echt schoene Fotos! Scheint dir sehr gut zu gehen! Muessen mal wieder telefonieren, wenn ich mal endlich wieder ein funktionierendes Akkuladekabel habe!
    Lg aus Tokyo
    Klein Padawan

  2. hihi, wie lustig, ich fahre eigentlich auch nach la chaux, zu meiner cousine :)
